Does User Experience Impact a Content Management Implementation?
Can a user-centered design approach be integrated into an agile methodology?
Whether we are delivering a solution on Interwoven Teamsite, OracleUCM (Stellent) or other platforms, a user-centered design approach needs to be incorporated throughout implementation. When it comes to experience, keep it simple for users to consume.
A user-centered design approach needs to be incorporated throughout implementation.
User Experience is typically thought of as the major activity suite impacting the 'front-end' of the web site or application; however, user experience runs much deeper than that, and, in many cases, requires the designer to take many audiences into consideration. One example that is a high priority on an organization’s punch list is the implementation or expansion of a content management system.
Enterprise Content Management Solutions (ECMS) were initially introduced to enable a business user to update content on their web site eliminating the need for technologists to be involved every time a word or sentence needed to be changed. As they evolved and matured ECMS became a means to, not only manage content, but determine content delivery, audience segmentation, adding pages, and as a result impact the usability of the site. This is really a multi-faceted challenge. To deliver an effective ECMS one must consider four facets: 1) Organization; 2) Process; 3) Delivery; 4) Technology. A user-centered design approach impacts all four facets and multiple audience segments. Many view the challenge as merely a technology-focused initiative. When evaluated more closely multiple audiences arise that are impacted by the user experience. There is the experience of the internal content managers (contributors, editors, approvers, etc.) and the experience of the end-user that consumes the information on the site, application or mobile interface. This simple example already creates the opportunity to address the needs of four different user types with different goals, tasks and overall objectives.
Whether we are delivering a solution on Interwoven Teamsite, OracleUCM (Stellent) or other platforms, a user-centered design approach needs to be incorporated throughout implementation. When it comes to experience, keep it simple for users to consume.
What experiences have you seen implementing Enterprise Content Management Solutions (ECMS)?